Using MS Word To Create Email Messages

If you are going to create an email message of any length greater than a few sentences, or, if it just happens to be an email message with great importance, you may want to use a word processor for this purpose. Specifically, one with an auto-save feature will be the best choice. MS Word has this feature, so let’s discuss that.

Many people use online services, such as Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL for their email. This is good in many ways, except for the possibility of losing your work. Using an online service for email will preserve much of your content, simply because your message database is not on your computer. So if your computer crashes, you won’t lose your address book and all of the email you’ve sent and received over the years. That’s the upside.

On the downside, if you are typing away at a message and suddenly find that your Internet connection is no longer viable, that message may simply be a thing of the recent past! And, it isn’t just your connection to the Internet that can spoil your efforts. If your computer hangs, or you accidentally close a window or do any number of other things that may remove your attention from your work, that email message may simply not be there long enough for you to click the “Send” button. That’s a serious downside; would you agree?

Enter auto-save - a feature of MS Word (and, by the way, of the service I’m using to create this blog entry). This one feature is reason enough to use Word to create any long-winded message for email. Word will automatically save your work every few minutes. So, if you’ve typed a few paragraphs and your computer suddenly hangs, you’ll be able to recover your work the next time you launch Word.

There are a few more details to this, but I think the point is made. Create your email message in Word, then copy and paste the text into your online email message. It’s just that simple. Other benefits include having a local copy of your message stored on your computer, along with spell checker and many other features included in one of Microsoft’s flagship products.


Lincoln - The Movie

It’s interesting to note that knowing the story or not knowing the story doesn’t necessarily impact the entertainment value, or the experience of seeing a movie. Case in point, I did not know the story behind Les Miserable, and although I am happy to say I did see the movie, I cannot heartily recommend it - while in the case of Lincoln, I did know the story, but will encourage you to go see it.

In the case of Les Mis, I simply struggled through an ordeal that ate up nearly four hours of my day. In the case of the Lincoln movie, my heart was pounding about 15 minutes into it and I continued to have that experience at different times throughout the story. One thing that continued to hound me during the two and a half hours of tension was an unending sense of how little my life has had an impact on anything in the world. Imagine what it must have been like to be Lincoln, with the fate of the entire country on your mind daily, as your decisions and how you acted upon them would literally change the world.

This was more than a history lesson, it was a wonderful illustration of the democratic process, carried out against the backdrop of a long and bloody war. I recall reading about Lincoln in grade school and remember understanding that his sense of humor was one of many qualities that endeared him to his country. Today I know you can go look up how many times honest Abe failed at different ventures in his like, and it is supposed to inspire you to never give up. This movie goes a long way to improving on that theme. Near the end, you are provided with a graphic representation of the gruesomeness of a battleground littered with human remains and you see Lincoln’s humanity as he has to internalize this understanding. 

That’s enough for now. I would say I won’t spoil the ending, but you already know how it goes.

Oh, I should say, I also saw Django, Unchained this weekend. So, now I’ve heard the “N-word” more in the last few days than I had in the last several years! 

Happy New Year to you.


Creating Content Is Easy, Too!

Things I did today:

Early trip to the store to buy eggs, come home and cooked eggs two different ways, scrambled for Margaret, over medium for me. Ate breakfast, started watching a video (amid constant interruptions from barking dogs) about writing and promoting a book. Drank a “Super Pump” supplement prior to leaving for the gym, worked out, took a shower. Went home to enjoy a protein shake and prepared for seeing a client. Did some stuff with YouTube, trying to figure out the best settings for a private channel to be used to post Toastmasters videos (the jury is still out on this decision). Drove to La Quinta to help a client with an X-Box installation - fun stuff! Drove back to Palm Desert, did some banking, got a hair cut, checked Lotto tickets (had 4 out of 9 winners) and bought a new one for tonight. Started driving to my office, but got a call from Margaret asking if I could get to the theater earlier, since it might be crowded and of course, that’s what I did. Saw Django Unchained, a typically bloody action drama from Tarantino. Drove to the grocery store to buy salmon for dinner, then back home to cook dinner. Ate dinner and now I’m typing this blog entry. 

Other things I did today:

Solved most of a sudoku puzzle - responded to a question from a Google+ contact - posted a nice picture with a quote on Google+ - trying out Astrid task management software - downgraded my Hootsuite subscription - made a deposit to my bank accounts - installed Professor Teaches software on Windows 8 - and of course, checking my email accounts, Facebook and Twitter, along with Google+ for new stuff.

How’s that for a full day?

If you are ever struggling to find content you might post on your blog, reflect on the things you do throughout the day. Any number of the things I did today could provide a topic for a blog entry. YOU CAN DO IT - blogging is easy!


Blogging Easy - Three Steps

In a few minutes, you can create your own blog and start writing for the love of writing.

  1. Think of a domain name. (This is the hardest part)
  2. Set up hosting with WordPress. (I recommend Bluehost.)
  3. Pick a theme. (And, write something!)

OK, you might say that is actually four or five steps. And, that second step may seem to be the most challenging from a technical perspective. So, I’ll make it easy for you here. Click the link below to get started. Then, come back here for further instruction on setting up Wordpress for your blogging site.

Click here to get started with Siteground.

Wordpress Tutorial on Siteground

Now that you have your hosting account up and running install Wordpress and you are ready to start writing. Well, almost...

That last step, about finding a theme, is something you can do later…. However, be warned, there may be thousands of themes available, so don’t get lost in making that decision.

One last warning, the Control Panel on Siteground may seem daunting at first glance, but it is a great place to poke around and learn all about what goes on behind the scenes with hosting. At the very least, look at the email section, to see how you can create a new email address for yourself at your new domain name. More information on the Control Panel will be in future articles.

For now, just get started with blogging. Send an email if you need any help with any of this, or send an email with a link to your first blog post! Or, do both…

Brian Rouley

Stellar Starfish Stories

You are welcome to go off and review the original story about the starfish on the beach and how one person (or many) can change the world. Here is a link to Wikipedia’s work on the topic.

So, I was wondering about the cynic who questions the girl’s motives, and I decided to write his story:

Stellar Starfish Stories (this is a speech I’ve written, which I will deliver later this month)

Picture if you will, the shadow of a man (in a Rod Serling voice). What light creates this shadow? The very sun that would brighten any normal man’s day. But it was not so for Dave.

Dave saw himself as a victim, not so much of things that had happened, or as an innocent victim of circumstance, but as a hapless human who had dug his own hole. With nothing more than a shovel to work with, he reasoned, right or wrong, that he could only go deeper.

His friends had recently branded him with a new nickname, “Dark Dave.” They likened him to a character on Saturday Night Live, named, “Debbie Downer.” No matter how pleasant the situation Dave, like Debbie, could find a way to dampen the spirit.

The sun creating the shadow for Dave was warming his back, but he was focused on his own shadow on the floor of his hotel room. With one look out the window, he was to observe that indeed it was a bright and sunny day on the East coast of Florida. “Daytona Dave”, he said out loud. “This is not a dark day”, he concluded.

Without thinking another moment about his appearance, with his hair mussed – you know how it is when you first get out of bed, and his face unshaven, he threw on his favorite pair of cut off Levi’s. You know the kind that has just the right amount of fray around the bottom of the pant legs? Faded to perfection, he had packed this pair of shorts for just this purpose – to take him back to a bit of his youth, before all of his hole digging endeavors, when he was still genuinely joyful.

Armed with nothing more than a visor and a pair of Ray-Bans, Dave flung open his hotel door, breezed down through the lobby, across the deck and down the stairs, right onto the white sand beach that beckoned him like a lighthouse beacon. This was his purpose, to find his place in the sun, if only for this day.

Nearing the shoreline, he noted that the sun was brilliantly reflected and refracted in the waves. The smell of the almost slimy saline breeze smacked him in the face and made him catch his breath. He took it all in and managed a genuine smile, as he felt his heart racing. As uncontrollable as a sneeze, a belly laugh escaped him. This broadened his smile, even as he shook his head in disbelief!

Surveying his situation, he soaked in the noise of the waves washing over his toes, cooling and tickling his bare feet accompanied by the the rhythmic racket made by soaring seagulls. Children laughing, parents calling out, and the battle of boom-boxes filled his head with a joyful noise. With his next breath, he took in a bit of the sea spray and realized he had come to the beach without water to drink. His stomach turned a half-flip as he considered his situation. “Water, water, everywhere and nary a drop to drink”, he found himself reciting the hackneyed phrase. He followed quickly with, “Am I not my own albatross?”

Dave was way too analytical. Analysis paralysis would nearly prevent him from taking his first sandy steps. Facing the shore he had to make a monumental decision on which direction to turn. He began to reason it out for himself.

“With the sun at my back, as I begin, it will be higher in the sky as I return”, he was thinking out loud, purely for the fun of it. “With the sun higher in the sky as I return, I’ll enjoy more benefit from my visor.”

He had no sooner finished that sentence when a little girl peered up into his eyes and point blankly asked, “Hey mister, are you OK?” Dave nearly burst into tears, but quickly caught himself.

“Sweetheart, I’m so much better now, for having met you,” he stammered. Then he turned to his left and took a step.

To his surprise, he was not walking quite right. He had to carefully assess each step, to avoid stepping on the starfish that littered the beach that day. Dave was starting the get the idea that this would be no ordinary walk on the beach. He continued with great purpose now, determined to get this done in spite of the impediment. As he walked, he began to notice certain patterns in the placement of the starfish. He figured this was just part of his nature, to find some symmetry in this silly situation. Dave was still smiling as he considered his plight. That he could not look up at the blue sky, take in the scenery, or even pay much attention to where he was going, if he was to avoid stepping on one of these crusty creatures. Every now and then, he would stop and look more closely at a specimen, examining it like he was some kind of zoologist, or ichthyologist. Dave loved his scientific words! He thought this was funny, that he could not see the sky, but looking down he was seeing stars….

Still, he was making progress. Every once in a while he would simply slow down and look up, to see what was in the distance. He noticed in the not too distant future that he was to come upon a young girl. She looked like she might be a teen-ager. Filled with that zest for life that these days annoyed him, she was quite animated in her activity. As he got closer, Dave noticed she was flitting about, snatching up starfish from the beach and gently pitching them into the ocean. 

From here, we relate the conversation about how one person can make a difference, even if it is only to one starfish at a time.

We conclude our story with Dave happily pitching in on the clean up work, smiling as he makes twice the difference one person can make.

In the end, another guy comes to ask the same questions, but Dave lets the girl provide the explanation, as he is immersed in his own joyous experience.


Blogging Easy For Everyone

That headline is missing the obvious, “is” as a verb. Without it, the phrase could have a few different meanings. But this is not about English. This is about writing.

Blogging is at least as easy as email. In email, there are more requirements, like a purpose, an addressee or list of recipients, subject line and body, with or without attachments.

Here, on a blog, you only need to have something to say and a place to put it online. My recipients are EVERYONE with an internet connection and a web browser. My subject is the title, this is the body.

Attachments and links to other things are optional, as they are in email. And, if you have a Gmail account, you have access to, where you can set up your blogspot for free!

If that’s not easy, I don’t know what is…. Why should you do it? Three Beautiful Things is a great example, and blogging for posterity is a great reason you should start today.

Sure, I could have plugged my own blogs, but it you’ve come this far, maybe you’re already a fan!



This is my story, as told on my new venue -

This idea came to me in two parts: 
In the first place, I heard about Joslyn Center’s meals on wheels program. Someone said that often times, recipients of these meals are shut-ins and the only person they may see on a daily basis is the one delivering their meals. This started me wondering how many of them have no computer and no internet access - logically, one might expect that if they cannot afford to provide for food, technology would be an unaffordable luxury.
Part two came from an introduction to the Mourning Star Center. The Mourning Star Centers are dedicated to providing gentle and loving support to children and teens who are experiencing grief, often times resulting from the death of a parent or sibling. 
So, combining the two needs and building a bridge to something I believe will literally change the course of history, I thought it would benefit both young people and older people, if they could work together on recording their stories for posterity - via blogging. This is important to me, because I cannot simply accept that we will lose all the richness of history available to us today from original sources. It is important to me, because I love blogging, technology, and people (young and old), not necessarily in that order!

Palm Desert Business Networking

This is the challenge, to make it so is found on page one of Google. In other words, if you search for Palm Desert Business Networking, we want to find, or on the first page of Google.

This is no small task, there are several other organizations that come before in the scheme of things found by searching. The one advantage I have is that I have been blogging and I can leverage that web content by adding some strategic key words and a simple paragraph to my many blog entries. Doing so will help the search engines to notice that VIBE Networking is the preeminent website for people who want to join a leading edge networking group in the Palm Desert area. Of course, this is proof of concept. That is to say, if you know what you are doing with SEO, you should be able to achieve this objective. And, if you can do it for yourself  you can certainly do it for your clients.

YABA On Original Thinking

While working through something in my favorite reading spot, I started thinking, “It would be so much easier to reconfigure a router than it would be to dream up something new to post on my blog.” Like the scorpion in the story told in “The Crying Game”, it is in my nature to do what I have to do. That router still needs work and here I am writing for you.

How does a new acronym become popular? In the world of IT, we often speak in acronyms, so we won’t have to say things like; Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Nobody wants to hear that, anyway! So, we (geeks, nerds, or whatever is the popular tag for an information technology professional these days) learn the new language and are supposed to understand the meaning of the alphabet soup we’ve cooked up for our needs.

OK, I’m going to do it…. While it is pretty obvious what SMTP is, DHCP is this: 

You just plugged all of the cables and cords into the back of your new computer. You turn it on, identify yourself, answer the questions, maybe even create a password. It’s possible you did not wonder if you would have an Internet connection. After all, your old computer had one, so you assume. You assume that if you’ve carefully connected all of that stuff to all of the right stuff holes, then you should be able to surf the web and send email immediately after pushing through all of that question and answer configuration tumult. You are not surprised (perhaps you are somewhat impressed with yourself) when magically your web browser browses and your email presents itself as if nothing was new.

Back up a few words to, “magically” - that’s where the DHCP did its job. What happened was this: Your computer announced its presence on the local area network (LAN) to the router (we hope you have one!) and the router answered with an acknowledgement. Then your computer said to the router, “How do I play with others on this playground?” The router replied, “You’ll need this set of numbers. I’ll ‘lease’ them to you for a day or two and you’ll be able to communicate on this LAN.” Your computer happily accepted this as gospel and went off to play with the other kids.

Wow! That was easy, huh? Plug and play is really true. “And I think to myself, ‘What a wonderful world!’”

My First Hangout

Today, after chasing after a few dollars for the work I do, helping people with computers, I went back to my office and arrived just in time to join in a Google+ Hangout, hosted by Meilani MacDonald. Meilani is a fellow Toastmaster and invited me to attend. I’m so glad she did.

The two most important things you must do after writing a book:
Have it edited professionally and create a great cover.
So, pay someone to edit your work and pay a graphic designer to design a wonderful cover for your book.

In this one hour session, I learned more about self-publishing than I could ever have learned through independent research. It’s interesting to note that getting published through traditional means seems like a pipe dream in comparison to the potential of self-publishing. It was also enlightening to find that my idea on preserving history through blogging was so well received by our guests from, an online magazine and independent publishing resource.

I’ve committed to writing a story about a project I want to start, which has to do with young people helping older people to share their stories through blogging. Although I’m not sure that there is enough content to turn it into a book, I do know how I feel, in terms of the level of passion I have for this project.

National Novel Writing Month - November - 50,000 words in 30 days!

It’s so cool how you can learn so much in such a short time span. I’ve definitely found the right circle of influence through my association with Toastmasters. Four of the five or six participants in this hangout were fellow Toastmasters and that group has really lit a fire under my inspiration and between writing for my many blogs and writing and delivering speeches at Toastmaster, I can feel the sea change that is happening with each new experience. What a trip!

That’s all for today. It was a good one.


Before You Go

Searching for this phrase online; “Before You Go”, I found one organization at dot US, that is website dedicated to gratitude to veterans. This is good, but I am hoping to create a foundation for the purpose of preserving history, through blogging. By that, I mean to get our elders to tell their stories (before we lose them, before they go), either through their own writing skills or by relating them to someone who can simply type them into blog entries for all the world to see.

I’m going to work several channels to bring this project to fruition, including letters to philanthropic organizations, requesting funding for the computers and the administration of the program. It seems to me there should be enough students seeking extra credit to raise their grade point averages to staff the needs for young mentors to work with our elders. They already have the computer skills, and some of them would surely benefit by learning the patience necessary to work with older people and by hearing those stories, they will personally experience a recounting of history unavailable through traditional schooling.

I’ll post this in a few places and see what kind of response I get. In the meantime, if you have access to funding resources and want to lend a hand or a few bucks, I’m open to suggestions, introductions, and donations. 

Thanks for listening. I’ll keep you posted. BR

MoneyPak Virus

This is relatively new, although I did remove this virus from a computer in the early summer of this year. So, my first experience with it was about 4 months ago, now.

MoneyPak Virus will completely halt your windows computing activities and plaster a garish, official looking, FBI warning on your screen that claims your PC has been used for illegal activities. With the police on their way to arrest you, unless you pay these fools $200, you are instructed to go to a store and buy a MoneyPak, which you must then send to the authors of the virus and somehow, magically, they will restore your computer to normal. Seriously?

Truly, I hope you don’t have this experience, but if you do, there is plenty of advice available about how to remove the virus on your own. It seems the majority of the advice about removal has been posted by the makers of SpyHunter, which will cost you 40 bucks. I’ve never used this software, so I cannot validate their claims that guarantee removal in 5 minutes and that theirs is the “Easiest and Quickest Removal Method!”

You can get free tools from Malwarebytes and BleepingComputer that will allow you to restore your computer to normal. You’ll have to know a bit about starting in safe mode with networking and there is one easy step you can take to basically disable most viruses from taking root at startup.

As soon as I get my subscription service working, I’ll post the complete instructions on how to do this for yourself. I’m selling a subscription to my services (via remote access) for $50 per year to select clients. Very likely, my newsletter will be available at that same price (soon).

Until then, practice safe hex - be “en garde” and suspicious of email from strangers.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

OK, so we get the first one by birth. We are lucky to be born in the US, so we get the second one by default. That third one, is an inalienable right, according to the United States Declaration of Independence. However, sometimes I’ve forgotten to take advantage of this freedom.

Lately, I’ve focused some attention on this task, primarily in response to this video from YouTube, where Shawn Achor explains, through humor and story telling, that happiness should be put first. In other words, instead of thinking that achieving some arbitrary goal is going to make you happy, being happy will actually improve your chances of success in striving to achieve any goal. 

He says our system is design to always keep happiness just out of reach. As in, if you attain some goal, you don’t stop there to say, “I’m happy now.” You simply raise the bar, set a new goal and continue your quest. Again, you’ll be happy when…. Whatever fills that blank for you matters very little. If you continually move the target, you will never be happy.

So, put the odds of success in your favor by choosing to be happy first. If you do watch the video, watch as this man captures the audience immediately, gets them laughing and notice how fast he talks. It’s pretty impressive stuff, an example any public speaker might use to model his next presentation.

I’ll let you know how that goes, right after my next Toastmasters meeting. I intend to happily present.

___________________ is a Rouzell Enterprises owned business. is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, SEO expertise or help with social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Page One on Google

I’m there - well, Rouzell is there. All of this social media stuff helps, but the best results seem to have come from blogging and using keywords to promote what Rouzell does and where Rouzell does it. Like this:

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Yes, I’ve put several other keywords and phrases in the meta data of each post. But, now this article starts to sound technical and you know we speak plain English here. So, if you want help with getting your business name to show up on page one of Google results, click on the link above to get to the Rouzell website. Find my number and my email address and make contact. 

Go ahead and search; “Palm Desert Computer” in the meantime and see if you find Rouzell in the results. Add another word after, “computer” - like training, support, repair, or help - then see what you see. Enjoy! BR

Something Meaningful - Busy Days

Today, I’ve been involved in at least a dozen different but related projects about blogging, websites, social media, and the usual tech support stuff I do daily. Also, I got in something like a warmup workout at Gold’s Gym. 

Looking at the entire weekend, this has been one of the busiest and most restful two days I can remember in recent history. On each day, I managed to sleep in until 7 and 8 AM, respectively, fit in a workout and a movie on each day, worked on at least six computers and as stated above, did all kinds of stuff related to writing and preparation for an upcoming speech I’ll be doing at Toastmasters. 

After this weekend, I’m looking forward to a more restful workday on Monday!

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you need help with computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get compassionate care from a tech support professional.


Palm Desert Computer Repair

Using Palm Desert Computer Repair as a post title is supposed to improve my SEO ranking.

Twitter Condense

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

If you can accept Twitter as an adverb in this context, that title makes sense.

At exactly 20 minutes and 47 seconds into a half-hour presentation, Jay Abraham says this: “And you should live for making people’s lives better because you’re in it.”

Forgiving the grammar error there, I found that one statement to be the core of his message.

There’s a whole lot more to it, about responsibility and your duty to your clients. I found it well worth the listen - time well spent.

I had not heard of Sang Events, until I stumbled upon Sally Hogshead on Twitter.


Rewarding Childish Behavior

Today’s post in “thechangeblog” was all about what we can learn from a toddler. There’s a link for you at the end of this article.

I’ve often said that if you want to learn computers, you may do so more quickly, if you behave like a child. Watch a kid run into a computer store and just start clicking the mouse and pushing the keys; “to see what happens!” You can do the same thing. When you get results you like, take notes. It really can be that easy.

Have a great day!

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Unstuck Ringtone Production

It seems like forever since I’ve posted anything. Perhaps this is a result of “analysis paralysis”, a condition common to traders, but also one likely to afflict writers. This is to say, I just don’t know where to begin with so many choices of subject matter. Because there are times when making the decision on what to do next eludes me, those moments present an opportunity to go find some old classic rock and roll, or even something more current, and listen for a particular passage that would make a nice ringtone for my phone. This eats up anywhere from half to a full hour, and usually costs me a buck or two for the download from Amazon’s MP3 catalog. So, maybe my next tutorial video will demonstrate the steps necessary to take some favorite music from its original form to an MP3 downloadable ringtone. Here, for your reading pleasure, are those steps.

Step one - obviously, the first step is to get the music on your computer. You can rip from a CD, or take the lazy way out and jump on Amazon and search for your song there. Expect to pay ninety-nine cents or something less than two bucks for a longer selection. Of course, if you really like the material, you can download the whole album, or CD, or whatever it is.

Step two - download and install Audacity, you’ll use this software to produce your ringtone.

Now the fun begins.

Step three – open your music file with Audacity. Right click on the file and choose Open with from the menu, then choose Audacity from the list of choices. You may have to search for the file – it’s in Program Files or Program Files (x86), depending on your version of windows.

Step four – select some segment of music up to about 30 seconds long and export selection under file menu. If you choose, Export, you’ll get a list of file types and you can choose whatever works for your phone – MP3 works for Droid users.

Undoubtedly, once you’ve extracted the segment of music you want, you’ll run into the error that reports missing LAME MP3 encoding software. So, go to your help menu in Audacity and search out this question: How do I download and install the LAME MP3 encoder?

Download and install that software package and you are ready for the next step.

OK, so after you get through that extraction process, you now have to find a way to move the file from your computer to your smart phone. There are a few ways to do this. You can FTP the file to your website and download it to your phone from there. You might also simply plug your phone into your computer and move the file into your phone’s music folder. This author uses WiFi and a file utility on the smart phone to connect to a shared folder on his computer. Move your ringtone any way you like!

By the way, I’ll be producing a video on how to do this. So, you can print these instructions, then watch the video and see if I follow the steps outlined here!


Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.