Change Is The Only Constant

Perhaps you’ve noticed that there are no dates or timestamps on these pages and posts. This cannot continue. 

There must be preferences or settings to provide some semblance of order to this stuff. So, now we go off and click Options and Reference buttons, just below this input area.

Well, now I’ve clicked on the date in preferences, but I don’t know how to make it display on the site. Maybe there is something I have to set in the structure.

In any case, they’ve sent me an email announcing the new version of SquareSpace.

Introducing Squarespace 6

Everything you need to create an exceptional website.

So, now we get to go learn this all over again. I’ll see you soon in the new format.


Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

To Skip this Greeting, Press the Pound Key

One of my clients was expressing her creative concern about outgoing messages. Especially those that proclaim how important your call is to them, and the nonsense that sometimes follows; they remind her of the message from the Borg. “You will be assimilated” is one of the few on-screen phrases employed by the Borg when communicating with other species. “Resistance is futile” was even more popular. 

In an earlier post, I discussed a time saver, whereby a caller would simply skip leaving a message at all, if he or she enjoyed a position of prominence with the receiver of the call. Given that any call I miss from someone who is in my contact database will almost always get a call back, unless the message is one of urgency and filled with detail, there is no need to leave a message. This applies mostly to my wife and people I work with closely, as we both save time in the process. The call I have to make to pick up voicemail prior to making that return phone call actually delays the result.

Back to the subject of this post, when I listen to the outgoing message prior to leaving a message, anything more than a very terse invitation to leave message results in my working to find the “after the” tone I’m waiting to hear. Bottom line, if you haven’t answered the phone and I do want to leave a message, don’t tell me how important my call is to you, don’t sell your business to me, don’t tell me how sorry you are, or what else you must be doing that made you unavailable to me. Simply tell me something that about who you are, or thank me for calling, and then say, “leave a message”, and be done - beep! I’m looking for the beep and I want to get to it as quickly as possible.

That’s all I’m going to say, except, thank you to my creative client. Some things need to be said!

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.


Safety Not Guaranteed

OK, I don’t often do this. However, this movie deserves a review. If you are going to see a movie and want something that will lead you through a sweet and kind of sad journey of eventual triumph, Safety Not Guaranteed is an excellent choice.

The lead female role reminded me of Juno, where she has kind of a sarcastic, brilliant observational wit. The two male leads are both idealists, who are disappointed and fully realized in the end. You’ll have to see it to believe it. Maybe the only weakness in the story is the “men in black” guys who are supposed to be investigating the crime. Otherwise, it all ties together nicely and the ending is a pleasant surprise.

This is very much a patchwork of emotional turmoil, suffered through by characters who have loved and lost and are learning to love. You’ll enjoy it, I think. Drop me a line if you do decide to go. 

Thank you.


Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Old Fashioned Marketing

Going to a meeting this morning at 7:30 AM (in a minute…), then working like crazy for several hours, then sitting in on a webinar, then teaching Twitter and HootSuite later this evening. When will I ever find time for Social Media?

Just like this - 2 minutes from leaving to meet my networking group. I can type a few lines, tell you what’s up, click Save & Close. Then HootSuite this to my Fb, Tw, other blog, etc. And, down the road I go!

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Mixed Reviews

After teaching two of the three sessions on Social Media at CVWBC, I’ve learned an awful lot about what people want to know and what they think and feel about Facebook and Blogging. This has been quite an education for a teacher. Facebook will likely always be something of a puzzle to business users, as we struggle to make it pay back some kind of return on our (time) investment. You can’t beat the price.

Blogging on the other hand, is even more nebulous. How can anyone clearly say what you should blog, or why you should blog, or how to create your brand through blogging? The answer, it seems, is that there are so many reasons to blog, and so many ways you can derive value through this activity, that it would be nearly impossible to cover all of the possibilities. The bottom line is drawn at the foundation of your own creativity. Write something if you have something to say. If it is of value to your readers, they’ll come back for more. 

It seems simple, now that I’ve said that.


Even More Original Material

One of my newest business associates, Denise Welch, told me that HootSuite posts to Facebook are treated differently that posts made directly to Facebook. Now that I have gone back to look at the different posts made by each method, I definitely see her point.

Posts that I make directly to Facebook have three links at the bottom left corner, Like - Comment – Share – and they all work as they should. Those posts that I’ve created using HootSuite have, Like – Comment – but the share button is just above the others and it says; Share with HootSuite.

So, now I have to look at posts that come from other people. Do they all have the same full set of links for Like - Comment – Share? Nope, it seems some do, some do not. It appears to me that posts from personal Facebook accounts always have the Share link and those from business pages do not. 

File this under; “Things learned while on the way to teaching.” 

If the only constant is change, I’ll always have work to do.

Complete Re-write of

Coming soon to web browsers everywhere… A completely new version of! Priorities being what they are, this will be in the top five. Lucky for me, the month is long.

Before the month is out, there will be brand new content, features, and a whole new appearance of Moxy the Mouse on Squeaky clean, it will truly be a sparkling example of what is new and exciting in the world of web technology and social media.

Thanks for listening. I’ll see you again, soon.


Original Material

There is so much free information available to support your presentation of Social Media, that it may actually discourage your own creativity. After all, if you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”, why would you. Somebody may have already created the content you need to present your case, make your point, drive your message.

The one argument I have against borrowing somebody’s material for your own needs, is the same as the disdain I have for forwarded email messages. Some of my contacts feel it necessary or normal to simply forward some clever email they’ve received. More often that not, I find myself wishing they had taken the time to add some original comment to the message. More than that, I find myself wondering why they don’t send more messages with their own thoughts and opinions on things, which I would highly value.

As likely as it is that I might share some (someone else’s) well crafted message for the benefit of those who may be reading my posts on Facebook, Twitter, or one of my blogs, I am always most proud of the posts I create myself. It may seem a bit pompous, however, my thinking and my ability to wrap words around my ideas is what drives my web content. All of the material that is freely available adds to my ability to provide a service. Amazing as it seems sometimes, this learning process is the very reason I feel compelled to post original material. I’ll always give credit where it is due, but the product remains the same. I learn, I share. It is as simple as that. You can do it, too.

Now, Google Plus

So, just as I’m getting the hang of Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc., (yes, I know I’ve left out LinkedIn and I don’t know why) along comes Google+ to add something bigger to the mix. You may as well know this right up front, I’ve subscribed to Google Apps for Business, so I am a big fan and advocate of using Google’s products. Even if that were not the case, I would have to explore G+ for the simple fact that Google is a large part of the big picture.

I’ve spent some time working through a book by Guy Kawasaki (an evangelist for Mac) and he explains very thoroughly the many aspects of Google Plus in his usual clear style. So, I follow, before I lead. Since I’ll soon be teaching some classes on Social Media, I now have to decide on an approach to including G+ in my presentations. We’ll get there, I’m sure.

For now, I’m in learning mode. You’ll hear more from me when I have a better grasp on the application of Google plus to my business needs.



A New Blogger Is Born

Today, I created and posted her first bit of content. It was a self-serving exercise, one I was happy to complete; as I needed to capture screens for a “Getting Started With Blogging” set of instructions. So now I have a complete Word documents with all the requisite images to show any beginner how to get started with blogger, a free service from Google.

As much as I love SquareSpace for the ease of use and the CMS they provide, it might be a bit much to suggest to a new user that they should maintain a website, as well as a blog. Yes, I know they are one in the same, essentially, but clearly blogging on Google’s platform is easy to understand as one component of many services you already know and enjoy from the leader of cloud based technology.

That’s all I’m going to say for now. Soon, I’ll be posting a compete set of instructions on how to get started and how to maintain a blog. Yes, I know it has been done before and it is extremely simple to find this information for yourself, but sometimes, the way I serve it, the information has that “value-added” sweetness that comes with “compassionate care for people who use computers.”



Blogging In Two Steps

Today I had a spirited discussion with a computer tutor with deep and wide experience. She has worked with over a hundred people from the awesome generation (my newly coined term for people who preceded the baby-boomers and are likely to be grandparents to gen X and Y people). Her premise of keeping things simple will help me to develop training materials well-suited to beginners. That’s just what I need.

So, in that vein, I offer this simple process to getting started with blogging. There are only two steps:

  1. Create your blogging account.
  2. Write and post your first blog post.

Congratulations, you are now a blogger! Welcome to the club. Write what you want, tell us about your most colorful memories, or create all new and fresh material by sharing what was cool for you today. What’s that you say? You have special interests? Well by all means, please tell us all about it. Anything you want to tell the world, we are waiting to hear.

That’s all for today, ladies and gentlemen. Wait - did you really think I wouldn’t answer the obvious question? No, I won’t leave you hanging. Her name is Vicki Mills and I’m lucky to have found her.

Tune in tomorrow for my next installment. Until then, good night!

Brian Rouley



Today I received an email purportedly from Adobe, the company that makes Acrobat and a bunch of other cool software, inviting me to “upgrade your application”. DON’T DO IT!

The sending email address is adobesystems - which is not - although they may own that name. This was my first clue….

There are at least a dozen things about this email that are red flags and I’ll spell out more of them later. In the interest of posting this article as quickly as possible, I’m just going to stop here and tell you this: The email is not from Adobe and you should delete it. 

Here is a link to google results for a search on adobesystems -

Practice safe hex! That’s geek humor - that has been around for years.


Birds of a Feather

It’s interesting to note that since starting down this path, I’ve collected a fairly nice cadre of folks who are available with so much to share about social media. This must one of those, “Law of Attraction” things that I’ve put into motion with my activities. The best thing about this is kind of similar to something I wrote about some time ago; it is simply wonderful how much is available for free and how helpful people are willing to be.

When Woz and Jobs were young, I’m sure they imagined a revolution of sorts and they might have thought that so much of the stuff that could be done should be made available to the masses. Starting out with an idea that likely contained the expression, “Change the World”, resulted in one of the greatest American success stories of past decades and certainly of this century, thus far. But I digress.

The intent of this article was simply to marvel at the results I’ve already achieved, even though I’m a relative newcomer to social media. I recall one person who cajoled me into trying out Facebook, her name is Jen (she and her husband have a history of success and have recently produced a second edition of their progeny). In case either of them seem this post, I hope that sounded as complimentary as was intended. At her insistence, I sat down and launched my account with Facebook, thinking I might learn as I go and have it figured out pretty quickly. This was not so and I very soon realized that fact .

I am still learning as I go, but now I can see the value from the business side of things. My first account was pretty quickly overrun by a lack of management on my part. So I learned a good lesson about a new definition of friends. After starting my business account, I now see that Facebook has huge potential as one of many marketing tools you have at your disposal today.

Since I want to wrap this up, let me finish by saying, thank you. To Jen, for providing the kick in the pants I needed and especially to all of those I am following, or who follow me, or who have liked and provided likeable content on Facebook. Blogging will likely become a big deal for me. Other tools will help to promote my blogs along with my website and ultimately the business I’m in, which is “providng compassionat care for people with computers.” Thanks also to HootSuite, for the cool tools.

Thanks for listening. Have a good night. BR

Fliers vs. Flyers

Some time ago, I had this argument with a respected colleague. In the end, I agreed to accept the fact that both spellings are considered acceptable. However, I harbor a grudge. Simply stated, if you need a tool to ply something you use pliers. So, to my way of thinking, those who fly or things that fly are fliers. Those who cry are criers. Data points that outly the norm are outliers, and one who pries is a prier, so two who pry would be priers. Which would be better than associating with someone with priors.

There are exceptions of course, like dryers and fryers, but it seems to me that certain words require certain pluralization. As in, one who tells lies is a liar, and someone who buys is a buyer. Wouldn’t someone who is more than sly be slier? Actually, this is another case where both spellings are acceptable.

I’m done. But, I do want to go on record as having said; “When I produce marketing collateral, you will be getting fliers from me.” If you want to argue, I’m up for that, always.

5 Minutes For The 5-Star Chamber

This is a writing exercise to demonstrate the idea that you can post to your social media sites and update as many as you choose, in five minutes or less.
Tomorrow I will make this presentation to the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce. I’ll copy and paste this text into a blog post, then use Hootsuite’s Hootlet Google extension to copy and paste text from that blog post into Facebook, Twitter, and another of my (more longstanding) blogs.
Clearly the idea that social media is a time bandit is based upon your perspective and how quickly you can convey your message. It also helps to have all of the tools in place to allow you to get it, get it done and get back to work, as quickly as possible. I have two minutes left….
Since it only takes about a minute to copy and paste to my blog, then copy and post to my social media sites, we now have five minutes for Q&A.
Have a great day!
Brian Rouley
Rouzell Enterprises, Inc.
Less than a minute now…. Ding! Time’s up, pencils down!

5 Minutes For The 5-Star Chamber
This is a writing exercise to demonstrate the idea that you can post to your social media sites and update as many as you choose, in five minutes or less.
Tomorrow I will make this presentation to the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce. I’ll copy and paste this text into a blog post, then use Hootsuite’s Hootlet Google extension to copy and paste text from that blog post into Facebook, Twitter, and another of my (more longstanding) blogs.
Clearly the idea that social media is a time bandit is based upon your perspective and how quickly you can convey your message. It also helps to have all of the tools in place to allow you to get it, get it done and get back to work, as quickly as possible. I have two minutes left….
Since it only takes about a minute to copy and paste to my blog, then copy and post to my social media sites, we now have five minutes for Q&A.
Have a great day!
Brian RouleyRouzell Enterprises,
Less than a minute now…. Ding! Time’s up, pencils down!

Derive Business Value From Social Media

One of my clients told me that he really didn’t need to know what Ryan Seacrest has for lunch (or something to that effect) as he was explaining that he did not see the value in Facebook or Twitter. My immediate response was; “You are not getting the right stuff.” By that, I mean that if you are going to derive some business value from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, you have to seek out providers of content who give you something worth your time. The likelihood of any benefit derived from knowledge of some celebrity’s diet regimen is very small, unless you believe that eating like Ryan Seacrest will somehow contribute to your own celebrity status, which may be evidence of a different problem. I say, “let’s move on.”

Deriving value from social media is either very simple or very complex, or it is neither or both. It depends on your approach. It can be simple, as in; signing up for a personal account, creating a profile that makes it easy for former classmates and coworkers to find you, seeking out the people you would like to have as connections on your account, and posting content relevant to what is going on with you. That’s the path I think most people take and that’s fine for personal needs. You can make things more complex by taking on too much at the outset, as you may find you have to pare your list of friends later to simplify things. Today, you can acutally use Facebook in a number of ways by being selective with your privacy settings for each new post. Whether that adds or reduces complexity is a matter of opinion.

Where business is concerned however, you’ll have a few more things to consider. Things like, how to best represent your value to the audience, what you have to offer and how to make that message clear, and whether or not your sales pitch involves pulling prospects or clients from Facebook to your website for a more in-depth experience of your brand. There may be some merit in simply putting forth your entire proposition on your “Facebook for Business” page. I cannot help but view the creation of my business page on Facebook as (yet) another website I’m creating for the same purpose as my original website, only aimed at a different audience. The big difference is as much about attention span as anything. If readers see something of value on my Facebook page, my hope is that they will be drawn to my website, where they may spend a bit more time getting to know more about what I do and how to engage with me for the services they need.

Regarding Twitter, my use of this social media platform has mainly been to post something of a lead-in to some other thing I’ve written or posted elsewhere with more expansive content. Given that you are limited to 140 characters (including a link), you have to hook someone fast with very few words. Most often my tweets refer to a blog article I’ve written, or provide a link to some other web content I’ve found that is useful to me and potentially useful to my followers (as your readers are called in Twitter). Likewise, I’ll follow Twitter accounts of people who are posting content similar to mine or content that supplements my interests in helping people with technology. As those people see you are follower, so too, may they begin to follow you.

Naturally, since I’ve mentioned blogging, well, here we are! My website is relatively static, except for the occasional changes I make to links or icons (which are generally geared to new social media or mobile technology) or other minor tweaks I may make to my pages. This is in stark contrast to my blogging sites, which are updated every time I feel the urge to further elaborate on why I do this and how it may help businesses improve their marketing efforts. Case in point, I’m writing on this topic and hope to use it to feed a teaching gig I have coming up, as well as a speaking engagement I have in the near future. In one case, I plan to provide several hours of material, in the other, I plan to condense this down to about 10 minutes of presentation. Wish me luck.

To recap, I think blogging is the ultimate tool to more fully express yourself, while Facebook and Twitter (for me, as of this writing) are more like the hooks, bait and tackle I use to do my fishing for additional prospects and clients. Give them enough to garner interest and a link back to my website or blog for more information and contact information. If it seems to you that I may know something about this subject, that’s all the more reason to think of me if you need help with any of this social media stuff.

Teaching SM Synopses

My plan to teach social media includes these three topics, in order of presentation: Facebook, Blogging, Twitter and HootSuite. Yes, that sounds like four topics, but Twitter and HootSuite will be combined for one session. Some of the material I’ll present presumes you have a website and are planning to drive traffic to that website as a part of your overall strategic marketing plan. This means you will have to either create or modify your website to accommodate the sales pitch generated by your social media campaigns. If you need help with your website, that is one of many services offered by Rouzell Enterprises, Inc., so please keep this in mind when taking on the knowledge necessary to launch your social media campaign as a strategy for building and marketing your business.

Facebook - We will begin with why and what you should post, including how often and how to tie it to the need for people liking your posts. Our discussion will include a full demonstration of starting a business page on Facebook, along with how to promote your new page by leveraging your existing client database and other contact databases you may have. We’ll also show you how to use several methods to update your status and add to the content of your business page. Fresh material in a constant flow is the key to success with Facebook.

Blogging - We will show how to use your existing website to create a blog page. There are many ways and many platforms available to begin your blogging experience. You also have to consider your approach to blogging as a way to engage your audience on at least two levels, one being a way to allow them to see the human being(s) behind your product or service and the other being a way to provide more in-depth information about your offering. There is a way to use a hybrid approach to appeal to a wider audience. Blogging allow for a kind of “free form” approach to marketing as you are free to explore a wide variety of topics that will engage your clients and prospects and keep them coming back for more. As long as they keep coming back, you have opportunities for additional sales!

Twitter and HootSuite - Twitter may be the most misunderstood and underused of the social media arsenal, as many people simply don’t get the simplicity of the short message. We will explore how to generate a powerful message, with a hook and the bait to bring your customers to your website. It’s a fairly simple process, once understood, easily implemented through various means. HootSuite is a utility to tie together your Tweets, Facebook posts, and your Blog; combining the power of all three in an easy to use console that allows you to post updates in a few minutes to many sites.

Here We Go!

As much as this whole website is being used as a blog, this is one of those days where you have to have a sense of humor about such things. Since there is a link to Blog from the main navigation menu, it only seems appropriate that I should “Create a Post” here, to get with the program.

That’s all I’m trying to say!



This is a Blog Page

We've given you some sample posts to start, but after you read them, you can delete them and write your own. Use Content Mode to modify, remove, or post new entries to your blog. 

You can style your posts in all kinds of ways. Just for show, we've styled this text as a blockquote. 

Already have a blog? Learn how to import your content. And don't forget to update your profile information so your name appears the way you want it on your posts.