Something Meaningful - Busy Days

Today, I’ve been involved in at least a dozen different but related projects about blogging, websites, social media, and the usual tech support stuff I do daily. Also, I got in something like a warmup workout at Gold’s Gym. 

Looking at the entire weekend, this has been one of the busiest and most restful two days I can remember in recent history. On each day, I managed to sleep in until 7 and 8 AM, respectively, fit in a workout and a movie on each day, worked on at least six computers and as stated above, did all kinds of stuff related to writing and preparation for an upcoming speech I’ll be doing at Toastmasters. 

After this weekend, I’m looking forward to a more restful workday on Monday!

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you need help with computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get compassionate care from a tech support professional.