Room for improvement with graphic arts skills!
Whenever I think about sharing the details of the benefit to using Social Media to promote their business (or their books, or themselves), blogging comes first to my mind. That graphic is intended to illustrate my approach. When this post is complete, it will be posted on Facebook, which will feed it to Twitter. Then, I'll use my Wordpress presence to share it again on my Mousehelp and Rouzell blogs. Does that seem excessive to you?
Consider this: What if people are searching for exactly this? "How to use Social Media to promote my book" And, how will it benefit me as the author of this post when they find a link to my article in their search results? I could leave that to your imagination. But, the fact of the matter is I am going to be teaching (professionally) on this very topic to writers very soon. And, if I later create a webinar version of this instruction to sell online, I may get paid again!
That's most of what I have to say about this, except that I am passionate about writing and teaching, probably in that order, and sharing these ideas on Social Media and with blog posts simply makes good sense to me. What makes sense to you? Write and post and send me a link.